Your Passion Is Our Business

Rippeteau Consulting LLC

Your Passion Is Our Business.

Your Passion Is Our Business


We craft the systems to support your passion.


EMILY RIPPETEAU - Owner and Founder of Rippeteau Consulting, LLC

How It All Began

On an extremely hot and humid day in July of 2011 my husband and I packed up a truck in Chicago and headed west to our new home in Boulder, Colorado. We made the journey so that I could pursue a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Colorado-Boulder, with the plan being to move back home to Chicago as soon as I was finished. However, throughout those two years of school, we both met so many great people, and fell in love with the weather, the lifestyle, and...the craft beer much so that we couldn’t bring ourselves to leave.

So after graduation in 2013, still unsure which direction I was going for the long-term, there was one thing I did know about my future career - that the craft scene in Colorado was exciting to me, whether it was beer, wine, spirits, or food.

Around the same time, I began to realize that many craft producers were struggling with some of the more complicated processes of actually running a business. Point of Sale, payroll, inventory systems, and cleaning up the books can all be daunting tasks and many of my friends in the industry were asking me questions about how to tackle them. It quickly became clear that all of these passionate, small business entrepreneurs were starting entirely from scratch when trying to learn about these things. There was usually nowhere and no one to turn to for help.

Beers and Bookkeeping

My friend Lauren Wilson (an accountant at Upslope Brewing at the time) and I decided to organize a group called “Beers and Bookkeeping”. We brought in speakers to cover the topics above so that business owners didn’t need to reinvent the wheel in order to figure out how to develop an inventory system.

I never intended for this to turn into a career, but through this group, people began reaching out and asking for additional help and expanded services. So in 2014, I founded Rippeteau Consulting. Since then, we’ve grown from being a single, owner/operator business with a handful of clients, to a higher gravity staff of five, with clients reaching from Boulder all the way to Alaska.

While we occasionally dabble outside the craft-beverage space, that is our specialty. We know and understand the needs of craft breweries, distilleries, and wineries. We also understand that you want to focus on the things you’re passionate about - creating and selling your craft beverages - and don’t want to be bogged down with the essential but cumbersome financial operations. We’re here to help.

If you’re interested in discussing a potential partnership, I’d love to hear from you.


(847) 767-3426


Contact Emily

Use the form below to contact us for a free introductory consultation.